What is your routing/ABA number?

USC Credit Union's ABA number is 322079557. This number can also be found on the bottom of your USC-issued checks and is the first of the first 9 digits listed. 

An ABA number, also known as the Routing and Transit number, uniquely identifies USC Credit Union and is used in check processing and transfers between financial institutions.


Need to transfer your funds?

You can transfer funds electronically between your USC Credit Union accounts and other financial institutions through our Online Banking system.

USC Credit Union's ABA (or Routing) number is 322079557.

With Online Banking, you can —

Make transfers from Checking and Savings to:

  • Checking and Savings
  • Line of credit
  • Credit card
  • Loans and mortgages
  • Investments

Make transfers from your Line of Credit to:

  • Checking and Savings
  • Line of credit
  • Credit card
  • Retail loans and mortgages

Other accounts can be paid using USC Credit Union’s Bill Pay functionality or the External Transfer tab. All you need is the routing and account number of your external accounts. After your external accounts have been added, please allow 1-2 business days for microtransactions to be sent to the outside account. Once the transactions are received, you can verify the amounts next to the external account listed in your Online Banking External Transfer tab. This process takes two business days.